Fortnite: How To Complete Out Of Time Challenges Starry and Gotham

Epic Games
Epic Games

The third and final set of Out Of Time Challenges became available earlier today in Fortnite as part of Season 10’s overtime challenges. Jump into the game to grab these rewards before Season 11 starts this Sunday, October 13 at 2 PM EDT.

As we all know, Season 10 of Fortnite Battle Royale is ending this weekend. Epic Games has dropped some last minute challenges to keep us busy before the big rocket launch and live event. At 2 PM EDT this Sunday, the rocket, presumably built by the Visitor, will launch taking us into Season 11.

The first set of missions in the Out Of Time challenges were to find audio tapes left by the Visitor in Retail Row and the Floating Island and to deal 2,500 damage to opponents. The next set of challenges were to find the Visitor tapes at Greasy Grove and Moisty Palms and also outlast 250 opponents.

The final two missions in the Fortnite Out Of Time challenges were released earlier today, and two more audio tapes must be located that were left behind by the Visitor. In addition, the player must search a total of 25 chests anywhere on the map. The final two audio tapes should give us the final clues leading up to the big rocket launch and live event happening at Dusty Depot this upcoming weekend.

Where to Find Visitor Recordings

The first recording left by the Visitor can be found in Gotham City, AKA Tilted Towers. Gotham City took over the western rift of Tilted where no building or breaking was allowed and was introduced earlier in Season 10. Gotham City is a collaboration between Epic Games and the release of the new Batman movie, the Joker which premiered October 4, 2019.


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Epic Games

The yellow audio tape can be spotted outside of an abandoned movie theatre, the Monarch, which last featured a movie called The Final Reckoning, just saying Fortnite. The movie theatre is located in the north/eastern part of Gotham City. The tape is outside the theatre right out the front doors on the street.

The second recording can be found in the latest POI to hit Fortnite this season, Starry Suburbs. For those OG players, they should remember when this area used to have a few abandoned houses before they were taken over by the Soccer Stadium a few seasons back.


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Epic Games

Now, Starry Suburbs is a quaint little town with shooting stars landing across the designated land and when opened, they contain rare and above leveled weapons. If you get really lucky, this is the only location on the map to find the legendary tactical machine gun. After many trips to Starry, I have yet to have the fortune of finding this mythical weapon.

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The final yellow audio recording can be located inside of the tallest building in Starry Suburbs. This building has a circular turret on the top which helps identify it from the other buildings in the area. The easiest way to locate the tape is to land on top of the circular turret on the roof and smash it in. There should be a chest for you. Break down one more floor, and you should land right on top of the audio recording located on the bed.

If you enter the building from the street, head up to the third floor, which is the second to highest floor in the building. Once on the third floor, turn right and enter the bedroom. The audio tape is on the bed.

Search Chests

For the final mission in the Fortnite Out Of Time challenges, you need to search 25 chests anywhere on the map. This may take a few games to accomplish, but this one is pretty easy. You may want to jump into a game or two of Team Rumble as more chests spawn in this mode. You also may want to consider visiting Happy Hamlet or Loot Lake as they hold the most chests than any other POI in the game with 35 and 34, respectively.

Rewards For Completing The Challenges

By completing all six of the challenges, you will be rewarded with a ton of player XP, a new loading screen, and extra style options. The loading screen rewarded is the infamous Season 10 showcase art highlighting all of the skins available in this season’s Battle Pass.

The player XP rewarded for completing all six challenges is a whooping 35,000 XP. That’s a ton of XP for those that need to boost up tiers to finish off the season. Each of the first two challenges only grant a combined 5,000 XP to players. The later challenges offer much more XP.

The most exciting part of the overtime challenges are the additional style options available for the Season 10 Battle Pass skins. Yond3r gets a solid gold outfit, Sparkle Supreme gets a reverse disco outfit, and the External Voyager gets a red and gold version of his skin. Not too bad for a little Fortnite work.

You can always check out our other articles for more information on where to find the audio tapes at Retail Row and the Floating Island or the audio tapes at Moisty Palms or Greasy Grove.  Lastly, collecting white Scientist skin finishes off Season 10. Once you complete the final mission at Dusty Depot, the white Scientist variation and the Star Surge back bling are your last rewards in Season 10.