Fortnite Season 8 is here, and these are some of its best features

The 3 Greatest Features in Fortnite Season 8

Today is Friday, and it’s now been over a week since the fiery release of Fortnite Season 8! The newest season has brought flame to combat the snow of Season 7, and with it, a great host of pirates (and bananas). A huge volcano, the largest location we’ve ever seen in the game, now towers over the northeast corner of the island, not to mention the pirate bay, the ancient-South-American-inspired temples, and… a banana skin? It’s a lot to take in, and whether you’ve been playing all week or are just jumping in, here are some of the best features to check out.

The Volcano

Of course we have to start with the volcano. I mean, it’s the coolest thing we’ve ever seen, right? There are chests above and inside, and it’s a convenient place to drop because the rising heat from the magma inside lets you fly high above it after you’ve looted the place. From there, you can drift to far-off places like the Dusty Divot or Retail Row. Don’t forget to check out the glowing dragon eggs next to the “Fire Throne!” Could Epic Games be teasing the addition of dragons in the future?

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The Cannons

The cannons are the new heavy artillery that the pirates brought along with them, and they’ve scattered them around the island. The majority of those in the game can be found on the pirate ship that’s docked at Lazy Lagoon, but you’ll have a tough time getting one to yourself with all the excitement around the new location. A better option is to find one of the 7 new pirate camps that the pirates have built on top of old houses around the island.

If you can find yourself a cannon, you can wheel it around and fire it at enemy buildings to devastate them from afar. When you’re done devastating, you can hop inside the barrel and launch yourself great distances. Try it while holding gliders for maximum effect!

Buried Treasure

This one’s a fun change from the usual shoot-quest. You can find these buried treasure maps on the floor or in chests, and each one will have a specific place on the island marked with an X. If you can make it to that spot without dying, you can use your pickaxe to dig up the treasure and claim your legendary rarity loot! The treasure maps add a fun extra objective to the constant race to outrun the storm and win gunfights.

Keep an eye out for other secrets that Epic has left for us to find in Fortnite Season 8. These are just a few of the numerous exciting additions given to us last week.

Do you have a favorite that wasn’t mentioned here? Tell me about it in the comments!