The loveable Henchmen from past Chapters are still in Fortnite

Epic Games
Epic Games /

Those loveable Henchmen from Chapters gone by survived the Fortnite Island’s destruction.

One of the best aspects of the end of Chapter 3 was the roaming squad of lonely henchmen. First, it was just the GHOST and SHADOW henchmen roaming around doing their thing, but later they were joined by a member of The Last Reality. The lone alien took up with the other two lonely hench-dudes and the trio quickly became known as the Henchbros.

From there, the Henchbros added the last remaining Imagined Order soldier after the war ended, leaving the four to become their own makeshift group. Finally, after The Seven’s soldiers were left in ruins at the end of Chapter 3, Season 3, we saw the last member of the Seven’s army join up in Season 4.

From there the five can be seen around the island doing various fun and silly things like relaxing, barbequing, and even karaoke. Yet when the island exploded, we thought the Henchbros were gone forever.

Not so fast, my friends.

The Henchbros are back in Fortnite

Thanks to new Rift Encounters on the island for Chapter 4, Season 1, if you’re lucky enough, you will find the Henchbros alive and well. They zap in every so often as part of the Rift Encounter. And the best part is, it’s not just a couple of them. Yes, there is a possibility you only see the SHADOW and the GHOST henchmen, but the I.O. soldier, Last Reality alien, and the Seven soldiers are also there at times, as part of a quintet.

The Henchbros were one of the best aspects of Chapter 3, Season 4 and hopefully the devs remember that and give this fantastic fivesome a lot more to do besides popping up once in a while.

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