The Rocket League Octane is not all it’s cracked up to be.
Fortnite has added the Rocket League Octane vehicle to the Fortnite stable of vehicles until the end of Chapter 3 on Dec. 3, 2022. The car had already been in Fortnite’s creative and fans were able to build their own islands to be used in the new challenges built around the crossover. It’s pretty exciting.
The only problem is, the car isn’t exactly a great addition to the game considering all the differences between the Rocket League and Fortnite controls. Firstly, the cars don’t control the same at all. The Octane is super sensitive and it’s easy to oversteer your vehicle while in it.
Another big issue is that, while you can Chromeify it, you can’t do anything about adding a Cow Catcher or any other types of tires. So it’s not really something you can outfit. If you’re like me, and you enjoy using vehicles to yeet people into a new reality, the Octane isn’t for you.
The lack of customizability and drastic changes in steering make this car a difficult venture for most seasoned players. That said, it does have its place.
The Octane is great if you’re not a fan of firefights in Fortnite
The Octane is great for a few types of players. Do you like doing ticks? No vehicle in Fortnite will give you the same stunt control as the Octane. So if you’re not a fan of Battle Royale, or you’re looking to be goofy and not as aggressive, this is the vehicle for you.
If you’re a player that does better when you’re able to get some distance between you and the other players, then the Octane is for you as well. The car has a slow burn on its gas tank, so you can drive it further, and longer as long as you don’t over-due the boost. It also has an increased speed mechanic that activates if you’re driving in a straight line for long enough.
The only draw back to the vehicle in this sense is the fact that has barely any health. So you’re durability for speed.