Fortnite is getting ready for the season of spooks with returning outfits

Epic Games, Fortnitemares
Epic Games, Fortnitemares

Fortnite has released a bunch of cool Halloween-themed items that build up to Fortnitemares.

If you’re new to Fortnite, you may not have had a chance to get these items in past years, and some may be brand new. If you’re looking to have a more gothic, spooky-focused locker, designed to make you feel like every day is Halloween (or a Tim Burton film), then these are the items for you.

They won’t be around for long but should be here for several days, maybe even until the start of Fortnitemares on Oct. 18., but don’t hesitate as you never know when Fortnite will wheel in and out items into their store.

For those who are looking to buy today, Wraith and Victoria Saint are also available but not for long. They may be gone by Monday night at 8 PM.


  • Shadow Midas Outfit
  • Peely Bone Outfit
  • Boxy Outfit
  • Boxer Outfit
  • Hemlock Outfit
  • Hay Man Outfit
  • Straw Ops Outfi

Back Bling

  • Gourdy
  • Blood Moon


  • Box Basher Pickaxe
  • Witchia Axe Pickaxe
  • Harvester Pickaxe
  • Harvester Pickaxe


  • Field Wraith Glider
  • Pop Dropper Glider
  • Field Wraith Glider


  • Crafted Cardboard Wrap
  • Witchy Wrap


  • Witch Way Emote


  • Straw Stuffed Bundle (Includes Hay Man, Straw Ops, Birdhovel back bling, Field Raith glider, Harvester pickaxe, Hay Nest back bling)

Ranking the outfits in the Fortnite Store

7. Boxy

There are two box costume-based characters and Boxy offers up the least interest with the holes cut in her bose. Her forearm gimmicks draw focus and make her look like a person in pajamas.

6. Boxer

Both Boxy and Boxer have a cool skeleton variant but they’re still not the best. Their design is simple and maybe that’s the appeal.

5. Straw Ops

Straw Ops fails because it’s more autumn themed than Halloween-themed. She has sunflower eyes and greenish hair. Certainly the type of character you’d see chasing after you if you took apples from her orchard but not necessarily “Halloweeny”

4. Shadow Midas

Shadow Midas is cool but has nothing to do with Halloween.

3. Hayman

Hayman, like Straw Ops, doesn’t really vibe with the Halloween aspect, but he looks like the Scarecrow, so that’s points in his favor.

2. Peelybone

It’s an undead Peely. Win.

1. Hemlock

Hemlock is a witch with variant designs. She’s straight out of classic Halloween horror and fits right in with the vibe of the season.