Everything that got vaulted by Fortnite for the newest season

Epic Games
Epic Games

What is no longer in Fortnite after the newest season started?

Fortnite is about a week into its newest season, and with that, and the fifth anniversary of the game’s release, fans have gotten all sorts of new treats, tricks, and goodies to play with. Yet, when new items come in, others have to go, that is the Fortnite way. The start of a new season or chapter always comes with the vaulting and unvaulting of items.

Chapter 3, Season 4 is no different as items were vaulted once again. The process isn’t surprising, it happens all the time, but some of the items and weapons that got taken out were a bit of a shocker. Mostly due to the fact that they’d been around for a long time.

The Striker Burst AR and the tents have been around for as long as I can remember, and they were among the more popular items in the loot pool, for whatever reason. Fans also lost out on the Dragon Ball collab items, namely the Kamehameha blast and the Nimbus.

I’m particularly sad to see the Nimbus go, and even though we briefly got the balloons back, losing both of those items back to back was a tad rough. Though, those weren’t the only thing vaulted for the new season.

What else was vaulted for Fortnite’s newest season


  • DBZ Kamehameha
  • E11 Blasters
  • Vader’s Lightsaber
  • Charge SMG
  • Two Shot Shotgun
  • Striker Pump Shotgun
  • Striker Burst AR
  • Stinger SMG
  • Auto Shotgun
  • Revolver
  • Combat AR
  • Heavy Sniper


  • Tents
  • Grapple Glove
  • Rip Saw Launcher
  • Port-A-Fort
  • Armored Walls
  • Crash Pads
  • Junk Rift
  • Rift to Go
  • Impulse Grenades


  • Zero Point Fish
  • Klomberries


  • Battle Bus
  • Ballers
  • DBZ Nimbus


  • The Rock Family
  • Truckasaurus
  • The Seven
  • Removed Crash Site (rebuilt blimp)
  • Darth Vader (boss)
  • Stormtroopers
  • Imperial landing bays