Chapter 3, Season 4 should give DC Comics fans some fun variants.
DC Comics and Warner Bros. is a mess, aren’t they? Man, when they launched the Rebirth era of comics, the brand was riding high. Now? Now it’s just an unmitigated mess. The fandom is hurting, especially after the cancellation of Batgirl, but that doesn’t mean the fandom is dead.
Not yet, anyway. No, there’s still time to turn around the brand but who knows if they’ll be able to at this point.
To help soothe the wounds that Warner Bros. and the corporate big wigs are inflicting on fans with their narrow-sighted agenda, Fortnite could do a big gesture and release some new outfits. We’re not asking for new characters, not this time. No, what we want are some iconic variants of the more popular characters.
Three DC Characters we hope we get variants of in Chapter 3, Season 4
Electric Superman
For fans of a certain age, they may not know or remember that Superman became a being of pure electric energy. Overburdened by the energy of a Mother Box in his, presumptive, last fight with Doomsday, Superman became unable to handle the energy. He ballooned in size and eventually exploded into what is dubb Electric Superman. This look is really awesome, even if that run of comics wasn’t. It would certainly be a unique addition to the Fortnite store.
Dark Knight Batman
The Frank Miller story about Batman becoming a bitter old warhorse is a great tale. It’s one of the more iconic looks Batman has ever had and it’s one of the few that would really work well in Fortnite. It probably will cause some controversy considering how beloved and revered the story and design are, but hopefully newer fans will want to check out the story due to its inclusion in Fortnite; which should always be the purpose.
Flashpoint Flash/New 52 Flash
Both the Flashpoint movie Flash or the New 52 design would work, just as long as it’s not an Ezra Miller-based design and you’ll be sitting pretty.