Fortnite has brought in the Kamehameha and the Nimbus Cloud but how do they play?
Fortnite has had a pretty lackluster class of weapons and mythic in Chapter 3, Season 3. Sure, the DMR is great and the Darth Vader lightsaber doesn’t suck, but the Charge SMG isn’t anything to write home about and the rest of the lineup of stuff is just lackluster, to say the least. They have tried to rectify that by bringing in more rifles and that’s helped but it’s been bare bones this season.
That is until the Kamehameha blast and Nimbus Cloud mythics were added to the game.
The Kamehameha blast is obviously a weaponized item, which does a lot of damage to opponents and rips through buildings pretty impressively. The Nimbus Cloud is a new way to travel, it works the same as a glider but it launches you incredibly high and allows you to travel pretty decent distances.
How do the Kamehameha and Nimbus Cloud work in Fortnite?
The Kamehameha blast, other than be obnoxious to type out constantly, is a pretty decent get for fans. It has an incredible range, and it’s a one-shot for anything in front of it, save for a player. It’ll rip through walls with ease, so if you’re playing in the traditional Battle Royale, you’ll knock down buildings super easily. It’s not great in a one-versus-one. It’s too easy to avoid the blast, and you’re left open to being attacked while doing it.
So you can literally be eliminated while trying to hit someone with it. It also can’t be stacked in any way. You can only pick up one, three shot Kamehameha at a time.
The Nimbus, on the other hand, is glorious. Not only can you escape from messy situations a lot easier, but you can also use it to sneak behind opposing players for some easy eliminations.
If you use the items in tandem, and surprise players with the cloud, followed by the Kamehameha, you’ll get the most use out of it.
The items can be found at the Kame House, at the end of the eastern bay, in designated Dragon Ball vending machines or in Capsule Corp capsules that fall during each session.