What’s new in Fortnite’s Battle Royale thanks to the v21.30 Update

Epic Games
Epic Games

Fortnite dropped the newest v21.30 patch update but what is changing in Battle Royale?

Fortnite isn’t going to see the end of Chapter 3, Season 3 until the fall, and because of that, fans are going to be getting a lot of updates this summer. This latest one, the v21.30 patch, has brought us the sizzling new summer theme, No Sweat Summer.

Well, almost. It was supposed release this week with the patch but for some reason, that didn’t end up happening. So what did come with the patch to the world of Fortnite’s Battle Royale?

First up, according to the official website, is the fact the new Prime Shotgun has been revealed. The gimmick is that the first round of the clip will deal the most damage with no warmup required. There is a drop off however after that in terms of damage output. The selling point beyond that is the digital light display on the shotgun, despite the in-game hud containing the same information.

If you reload after the first shot, however, the damage rate will remain at the highest output.

According to the website, the Prime Shotgun will not be included in competitive playlists going forward. Speaking of competitive game modes, there’s now an Overshield Siphon in the Arena Zero Build game mode. The only way to get it back will be to eliminate players.

What is coming with the No Sweat Summer update?

When the update finally launches, what’s coming with it?

Well, the Super Level Styles are getting updated, so now you can get the Platinum Rift, Lapis Slurp, and Auric Blaze Styles, as well as the other versions of Malik, Evie, Adira, Sabina, and Stormfarer.

You’ll also be getting skateboarding, new courses to do that on, as well as a summer stage for an eventual performance.

There will be more content that drops with No Sweat Summer later this week. Check back for details.