Fans can now engage in Zero Build Trials and get some interesting rewards.
The Zero Build mode in Fortnite is one of the more exciting new features to come along in some time, not just for Fortnite but in video games in general. No one feature has rejuvenated a fanbase as much as Zero Build did for Fortnite, and its effects on the brand are long-lasting.
Now, you can engage in the Zero Build Trials, which are already underway, and will run until April 10, 2022, at 11:59 PM ET.
To participate all you have to do is go to the Zero Builds Trials website and follow the prompts to register for an Epic Games account. The challenges start at 12:01 AM ET. You can learn more by going to the website at Epic Games.

What can you earn from the Zero Build Trials?
There are four sprays you can earn, an SMG Slone Spray, a Flying Focus Spray, a Wild Shot Spray, and a Ready for Combat Spray. Those are earned from April 7 to April 10. If you missed any of the days, you can still collect all of those on day five, April 10.
"The in-game items associated with each Daily Challenge are listed below:Daily Challenge 1 (Apr. 6 at 4 AM ET – Apr. 7 at 12 AM ET): SMG Slone SprayDaily Challenge 2 (Apr. 7 at 12:01 AM ET – Apr. 8 at 12 AM ET): Flying Focus SprayDaily Challenge 3 (Apr. 8 at 12:01 AM ET – Apr. 9 at 12 AM ET): Wild Shot SprayDaily Challenge 4 (Apr. 9 at 12:01 AM ET – Apr. 10 at 12 AM ET): Ready for Combat SprayDaily Challenge 5 (Apr. 10 at 12:01 AM ET – Apr. 10 at 11:59 PM ET): SMG Slone Spray, Flying Focus Spray, Wild Shot Spray, and/or Ready for Combat Spray if you did not complete their associated Daily Challenges."
There’s also a glider you can earn, Boosted Groundsurfer. To earn that you have to unlock the goal of the day mentioned in the challenge description, otherwise you won’t get access to it.