Fortnite debuts Lantern Fest 2022 with a brand new contest

Epic Games
Epic Games

Fortnite is bringing back Lantern Fest for 2022.

Fans of Fortnite rejoice for the Lantern Fest is back for 2022! The event will run through the month of April, and while no specific dates have been announced, it’s likely that the specifics of the event start sooner rather than late.r

Why can we make such a claim? Well, Lantern Fest is Fortnite’s nod to and celebration of the holiday of Ramadan. Ramadan started April 1 and will run to May 1.

So what is coming with the 2022 version of Lantern Fest? Well, according to, the game will include “shiny activities”, as well as unlockables for players to get. While the rest of the information for the game is pretty lacking if you follow along on Twitter with the hashtag #ShareTheLight, Epic Games will update as time goes on.

One of the new things coming is the Lantern Trials, and new event-themed emotes.

Not only that but lanterns will be popping up on Points of Interest (POI) throughout the game during the month. Players can share these on Twitter with the hashtag  #Lantography2022, with the best shots being rewarded with the Cameo Needs Loot emote.

Rules for the contest can be found here.

Fortnite is bringing back Lantern Fest

Lantern Fest started in 2021 as a way to celebrate Ramadan with fans all over the world. Since the holiday lasts for about 30 days, that’s the length of time you can expect Lantern Fest to last as well.

Last year, the Lantern Trials awarded fans with themed cosmetics, featuring two of the best costumes the game has ever produced. Those are back for the 2022 version. Unlike this year, there weren’t many quests or challenges for the inaugural version.

Clearly, that was something they sought to change in 2022. Fans shouldn’t wait to get going on the quests and challenges, as May will soon be here and then Lantern Fest will be done for the year.