An immersive single-player campaign would do Fortnite wonders

Epic Games
Epic Games

Fortnite has a chokehold on multip-player but a single-player campaign would do wonders.

If you’ve ever played Fortnite, you’re undoubtedly aware of the multi-player campaign the franchise has. In fact, you may be aware of many of the multi-player campaigns. The battle royale game is just one of many possible games you can play in Fortnite. While it’s undoubtedly the most popular, there are oodles more.

What there really isn’t is a single-player campaign worth playing. Sure there’s the Save the World gameplay offered in most of the versions of the game (not the Nintendo Switch version, however), and that can give you some fun but it’s not the same.

No, not even close. Fortnite has no single-player, off-line campaign that could further explore the game because that’s the real sticking point; this is a rich and immersive universe. Except, you can ony explore the story while a 13-year-old with Cheeto fingers is tiring to gun you down.

Not exactly conducive for enjoying an immersive story.

Not only that, if the Chapter Two finale was any sign of the issues the Fortnite story has, is that it doesn’t really deliver on big bombastic outings. Instead of actually “fighting for the cube” as was promised, players engaged in a minutes-long battle, with a determined outcome and no chance of breaking free from it. Instead of giving players the chance to actually win, it was just a long con to introduce Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, before changing the map for the game.

A single-player campaign would refresh Fortnite for long-time fans

Not only would a single-player campaign open up the story elements, and allow fans to feel like they’re more in control than ever before but it would also allow fans to engage in the new mechanics of the game, as CBR’s Lucas Blaine points out.

Blaine rightfully points out that one of Chapter Three’s best new mechanics is being able to interact with NCP’s and get unique things like weapons, disguises, and even their assistance. Those are RPG elements right there, placed smack dab into a battle royale.

It wouldn’t be hard at all to expand and explore a single campaign with all the elements and gameplay mechanics already in. You can further explore the story that they’re trying to tell during battle royale matches and flush out the main characters of the game.

You can even catch new fans up on the events of the prior two chapters through this method, making sure that no new player ever has to feel lost again.

There are so many reasons to look into an offline single-player campaign but these are just a few of them.