How do you raise your Heat Level in Fortnite’s new Most Wanted event?

Epic Games
Epic Games

How do you raise your Heat Level level during Fortnite’s Most Wanted event?

Fortnite has brought a brand new gameplay mechanic to the game with the release of Fortnite’s Most Wanted event called Heat Level. The basic gist is that the higher the Heat Level of any given player, the more perks they get, but the easier it is to find them. So if you reach levels three and four, you will receive partial and full automatic healing, no items are needed, but other players can now see you on the mini-map and in the environment.

So how do you raise your Heat Level? Well, the most obvious way is by eliminating players and opening chests. The more things you open, and the more players you eliminate, the higher the Heat Level goes.

Yet, the easiest way to max out the Heat Leve is to defeat the Cold Blooded vault villains, collect the Vault card from the Cold Blooded boss and get into the vault. That, on top of getting into the vault, you’ll also be able to loot a lot of high-end chests which will help bolster your level.

What should you expect when your Heat Level rises in Fortnite?

So what happens when your Heat Level rises? Well, the higher the level, the more likely Cold-Blooded members are going to attack you. There are times when the head honcho will just ignore you if you’re around them, but if your level is too high they’ll likely come after you.

Not only that but as mentioned before, you become easier to find on the minimap and you get pinged in the Fortnite environment.

It’s not all bad, as you get perks to keep you going with each new level.

Heat Level 1 gets you more gold bars when you eliminate players.

Heat Level 2 gets you the gold bars, plus an increase of speed by 15%, and you’ll regenerate your health completely when you’re not fighting players.

Heat Level 3 sees you get gold bars, a 20% increase in speed, 100% health, and half of your shield when you’re not in combat.

Heat Level 4 sees you with gold, a speed increase of 25%, and full health and shield recovery when you’re out of combat.