What could have been in the Foundation’s secret bunker during Fortnite Chapter 3?
The Foundation’s Bunker will forever be a mystery. Left in the ashes of an island gone by, the bunker that famously sat underneath the feat of The Foundation was a mystery long discussed by fans all over the internet. No one had any idea but we all believed that we’d find out at the end of Chapter 3.
Well, Chapter 3’s finale came and went, and so to did the mystery of what was in the bunker. With the Chapter 4 map being pieces of other islands, there’s always the chance that we can get some sort of rift that brings the bunker back to the island.
After all, the Cuddle Team Leader rollercoaster head and Imagined Order drill have popped up. So there’s a chance we’ll find out what’s in the secret bunker. We may never, however, and so with that thought, we’re going to guess on what was/will be in it.
What’s in the Foundation’s Secret Bunker from Fortnite Chapter 3?
A hideout filled with chests
This seems most likely. A giant room with a dozen or so chests of different rarities, filled with weapons, ammo, keys, consumables, and the like. Truly the best you can get in turns of a starting point to loadout properly.
The Seven
With the main heroes of the game, The Seven, now missing thanks to the Herald, we’re left wondering where they went. Were they killed off? Did the Herald take them to the realm of the Last Reality? We just don’t know. What if neither scenario was true? What if the heroes were in the bunker recuperating? Now we’ll never know.
Posters of skateboards
Knowing my luck, it would just be a room lined with poster after poster of Fortnite characters on skateboards. Just to taunt me.