Fortnite had some of its better weapons in Chapter 3 and we’re ranking some of them.
Fortnite is as tied to weapons as it is to crossovers and purchasable cosmetics. The game does a great job of keeping the weapon-pool fresh but that doesn’t mean they always get it right. Sometimes they take out the best weapons and sometimes they leave in the worst.
In this Chapter, we got some really fantastic weapons to mess with, and we didn’t get to have them for that long either. Yet, the ones we did enjoy we really enjoyed.
So we’re looking at the four weapons that best served us during Chapter 3, with a focus on the efficacy that they brought to the game. We’re also only looking at authentic weapons that caused damage, so nothing involving web shooters or traversable items will be included.
The four best weapons from Chapter 3
DMR Cobra
The DMR Cobra wasn’t a weapon I was too high on at first, but it’s grown on me to the point it’s my default weapon for Chapter 3, Season 4. It’s accurate, fast, and outside of close-range action, is the best all-around rifle in the game for medium to long-range combat.
Explosive Goo Gun
Fortnite bringing in the explosive goo gun was a stroke of genius. It was easily one of the most fun weapons to use for the chapter, with its ability to cause chaos and destruction on levels rarely seen before.
Thermal Scope Rifle
I’m a rifle fan and the thermal scope was my favorite weapon. It gave you an advantage, obviously, as it lit up your target and made it a lot harder to lose someone as they ran away.
Drum Shotgun
If you got near someone with the drum shotgun and they didn’t see you coming, that was it. The shotgun was fast firing and did massive damage. A true staple of S-tier weaponry in Fortnite.