DJ Lyka is Fortnitemares latest addition to the game but who is she?
Fortnite has brought in a brand new character for fans to get excited about, who is steeped in a bit of a mysterious aura. The character is DJ Lyka, a wolf-themed disc jockey, who summons the ghosts of Fortnite to dance their afterlife away.
The character is adorned with a giant wolf head, and dancing for her on one of the in-game alters will provide you with the new Howler Claws, which give your hand-to-hand combat an increase, while also giving you Wolfscent abilities, allowing you to see the heartbeat of enemy players.
She’s found at the Reality Tree, but good luck trying to get to her as it seems nearly impossible to actually start anything with the ghoulish musician. She’s the mascot for the Fortnitemares event, and her wolf headpiece is everywhere for the new seasonal event.
Who is DJ Lyka and what is her connection to Fortnite and Fortnitemares
The trailer seems to paint DJ Lyka as a prominent figure in the mythos of Fortnite. With the island besieged by the chrome and The Herald, it would make sense that DJ Lyka is somehow tied to The Herald. When you find DJ Lyka you have the option of getting the Howler Class by dancing on one of the Alteration Alters, and in doing so, you’ll be given her headpiece and claws.
Yet, is there more to her and her connection to the seasonal story?
As of right now, no. There seems to be nothing that DJ Lyka is doing that can be tied into the Chapter 3, Season 4 live event finale. There may be something with the other prominent new face on the island, The Inkquisitor.
While DJ Lyka is seen as a “boss” of the Fortnitemares event, the Inkquisitor is one you can actually fight. You have to summon this boss and while he isn’t chrome-themed, he may have something to do with the game’s live event coming up.
Or he may just be a seasonal boss.