Fortnite needs to fix it’s NPC problem that they don’t even realize they have

Epic Games
Epic Games

Fortnite has a blocking problem involving NPCs and it needs to be dealt with.

Fortnite is pretty good at fixing issues the game has, and we’re hoping they’re willing to fix these issues that the game has currently. Drop into any location on the island and you may find yourself dealing with animals, players, or even the odd non-playable character or NPCs.

These NPCs will generally attack you should you accidentally, or intentionally, shoot them first. They’re nowhere near as tough as a boss on the island but they can still be annoying to deal with, especially if you have another player attempt to put you down.

Now, that isn’t the issue. In fact, if used correctly, they’re a great deterrent. Yet, sometimes these NPCs become a problem and for a vastly different reason. Drop into any part of the map that has an indoor area to worry about and a roaming NPC and you’ve probably discovered this issue I’m about to mention; getting blocked by an NPC.

An NPC will sometimes trap a player against a wall, against a door, or in a small space that can’t be traversed. When this happens, the player is basically stuck unless he or she decides to chop down a wall or counter to make room, or opts to go whole hamhock against the NPC.

This is something that needs to change.

Fortnite needs to change the way the players interact with NPCs

Getting rid of NCPs is not an option. We know that. Yet, one option that does exist is possibly reprogramming the NPCs to no longer be roaming around indoor areas, and instead waiting to be approached by a player. This would allow players to know where the NPC is at all times and not worry about getting trapped and then eliminated by something unforeseen.

The other thing that could be done is programming the NPCs to be pushed out of the way should a situation like that arrise. No one should be eliminated due to a random NPC just walking into you and blocking your path. Allowing the player to push their way past the NPC without starting a conflict is the correct way to resolve the issue.