Fans of Fortnite are going to be interested in this Harrison Ford character debuting soon.
Fans of Fortnite will be very excited to find out that one iconic Harrison Ford character will be coming to Fortnite in Chapter 3, Season 3! While the second season is only weeks old, it appears that one data miner was able to find out that Ford’s iconic character Harrison Ford will be coming to the game in a few months.
This isn’t too surprising as the fifth Indiana Jones film is scheduled to be released in 2023, so a preemptive crossover makes sense to some degree, though why it would happen a year before the film is released is a bit surprising but it may have something to do with the fact that Star Wars is also getting a big tie-in for Season 3 as well.
As many will know, not only was Ford in both franchises, but George Lucas created both franchises as well.
Confirmed: Indiana Jones will also be coming to Fortnite in Season 3!
— Fortnite News (@FortniteBR) April 8, 2022
This information comes from @TaborTimeYT, who claims the crossover has been in the works for a long time. #Fortnite
What could an Indiana Jones character look like?
Well, obviously his more iconic look would be the bases of the character. A bit more burly and rugged with some stubble, with his iconic hat of course. Not only that but his pick-ax should be his whip.
Much like how Star Wars characters got to use a lightsaber, Jones’ characters should use the whip to break down supplies and such. That would be a nice element added to the character that would really help sell his appeal to fans old and new alike.
Of course, his emote should be him either using the whip or the iconic scene from Raiders of the Lost Arc where he just shoots the swordsmen and walks away all nonchalantly.
Fun fact about that scene; Ford was supposed to do a full fight scene with the man, but due to dealing with an illness, asked the director if he could just use his gun instead to avoid having to film even more that day.