Fortnite has had some major changes done for Chapter 3, Season 2.
Fans of Fortnite will probably be a bit surprised to see the changes made to the map for Chapter 3, Season 2 as there have been a lot of overhauls made to the map. The new season is embracing the conflict between the Imagined Order and The Seven, with literal battle lines being drawn on the map so far.
Not only are there battle lines, but there are also battle vehicles that fans of the game can play too. They range from the Battle Buses to the Imagined Order Tanks. Fans of the game franchise should be very interested in playing with one or both of these vehicles.
To go along with the new battle lines and combat vehicles were overhauled to many of the towns and landing spots on the island. Just about every town or area now has a new look in accordance to the part of the territory they fall under. So what areas were changed?
All the areas changed for Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2
The Fortress
A giant drill that you can explore now exists in the game near the campgrounds area of the map.
Command Cavern
The former Covert Cavern.
Tilted Towers
Taken over by the Imagined Order.
The Daily Bugle
Taken over by the Imagined Order.
Rocky Reels
Taken over by the Imagined Order
IO Blimps
Seen over any part of the map that is controlled by the Imagined Order, also designates where tanks areas.
Three New Craters
Infiltrator, Catastrophe, and Crispy Crater are landmarks caused by the Imagined Order’s bombing.
Synapse Station
A new Seven workshop.
Seven Barricades
Roadblocks for the Seven.
Mighty Monument Destroyed
The Great One’s statue is no longer so great.