Do you have no clue what the Reboot Squad Member vans are about?
I’m sure you’re one of the many people who have been playing Fornite’s Battle Royale relentlessly over the last few days, weeks, months, or even years and maybe have no idea about some of Fornite’s other games. We’ll get into all the modes later, but one of the games that fans should try out is some of the team modes in the game.
In doing so, you may finally find out about these “Reboot Squad Member” vans, or Reboot Vans for short. These fans are not for Battle Royales, but you will see them littered about. The vans are blue, with a power symbol on their side. If you’re running around, you may find one and attempt to drive it but they aren’t for your own personal get-a-ways to avoid elimination.
Instead, these aren’t for single-player games at all. They simply share the map at times due to the cross-use of various servers.
These fans are specifically for team battles.
What Reboot Squad Member vans do
The name is kind of a giveaway. If you’re playing a team game, and one of your teammates goes down, you can revive them using the Reboot Vans. You’ll need a reboot card to bring them back, obviously, but once you obtain one, you can bring them back and turn the tide against the other teams.
The usage of these vans has been deactivated and reactivated at various times, so before starting your next game of team versus, make sure you know whether or not the developers have turned off the Reboot Vans for the time being. Otherwise, you could be making yourself into a sitting duck out there on the field of play.
Do you have a favorite gameplay mode? Let us know in the comment section.