Mastering the Sound Chakra Challenges in Fortnite's Avatar

The Fortnite Avatar: Elements event advances with the introduction of Sound Chakra challenges, delving deeper into bending mastery.
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Aang’s faithful sky bison companion and your new favorite Glider ❤️ | Epic Games | Fortnite X

The Avatar: Elements event unfolds in Fortnite and, players are diving deeper into the mystical world of bending with the arrival of the Sound Chakra challenges.

These challenges not only offer a pathway to earning Chi but also pave the way to unlocking the coveted Avatar State Aang. However, mastering these challenges requires skill and strategy. Here's a breakdown of the Sound Chakra challenges and how to conquer them.

1. Visit Shrines of Every Element:

Begin your journey by visiting the Elemental Shrines scattered across the map. Start at the Brawler’s Battleground Air Shrines and utilize the Mythic to traverse to the remaining Shrines. For optimal efficiency, consult our Elemental Shrine locations guide to chart the most effective route.

2. Hit Opponents with Firebending and Earthbending in a Single Match:

Once you've accessed all the Shrines, equip the Bending Scrolls and prepare for combat. Engage enemies in battle and utilize both firebending and earthbending abilities to secure hits. Participating in a Zero Builds game mode will eliminate hiding spots, maximizing your chances of encounter.

3. Use Air Wheel then Damage Opponents Within 30 Seconds:

Equip the Air Wheel ability and locate an opponent. Charge the Air Wheel and swiftly inflict damage within the designated time frame. Close-range combat with a shotgun ensures swift and effective damage output.

4. Launch an Opponent with Rock Wall Technique and Heal in Water Using Waterbending in the Same Match:

Utilize the Waterbending Scroll and Earthbending Scroll obtained from the Elemental Shrines. Engage an opponent and execute the Rock Wall technique to launch them. Following a successful confrontation, seek out the nearest body of water to replenish health using waterbending abilities.

By mastering these Sound Chakra challenges, players can progress towards unlocking the Avatar State Aang and further immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Fortnite's Avatar: Elements event. Embark on this epic journey, hone your bending skills, and emerge victorious in the battle for Chi.