All Fortnite Star Wars Chest Locations

Epic Games
Epic Games

Fortnite’s latest collaboration with Star Wars launched today with new themed weapons, quests, and cosmetics. Although the map stayed the same, there are now three Republic outposts that each contain a special Fortnite Star Wars Chest.

Known as Republic Chests, the large black boxes are the only place players can get their hands on a DC-15 Blaster Rifle. The weapon has unlimited ammunition, and is lethal from long range.

The DC-15 Blaster Rifle is reason enough to search a Republic Chest, but players must also perform the task to complete a quest in the Find the Force Quests.

Here’s a breakdown of where to find each Fortnite Star Wars Chest.

All Fortnite Star Wars Chest Locations

All Republic Chests can be found at the following locations:

  1. South of Frenzy Fields
  2. West of Slappy Shores
  3. Northeast of Shattered Slabs

The chests are inside the Republic outposts, which look similar to the Imperial Docking Bays from Chapter 3 Season 3. Simply enter the outpost and open the large chest to obtain the DC-15 Blaster Rifle and some extra heals.

The Republic outposts are almost always looted after the first circle, so make sure to land there off-spawn or rotate to one very early.

Of all the Find the Force Quests currently available, “Search a Republic Chest” is one of the easiest to knock off right away. If you manage to survive off-spawn, head toward the nearest Rift Gate and grab yourself a Lightsaber from Darth Maul, Anakin Skywalker, or Obi-Wan Kenobi to get going on the rest of the quests.