3 best items to binge on for Bargain Week in Fortnite

Epic Games
Epic Games /

It’s Bargain Week, which means everything in Fortnite is half off!

It’s Bargain Week, that time every season when everything on the island is half-off for in-game purchases. To be clear, this only relates to items your character can buy during a Battle Royale match. It does not actually affect the actual items you can buy with real money or V-Bucks in the Fortnite store.

Just things you can purchase with gold on the island. Though, the former would be a great way to pay back fans for all their years of investment into their game.

So with everything being half off, we have three things that we think every Fortnite fan should splurge on now that prices have gone down.

Three best items to get your hands on with Fortnite’s bargain week

Exotic Boom Sniper

The Exotic Boom Sniper is one of the better snipers in the game, mostly due to its fast reload time, fast firing time, and the fact that you can damage opponents by just getting a shot near someone. The weapon is now half-off and you can find it being sold near Grim Gables being sold by Rustler.

Turning into a prop

If you head to Chrome Crossroads and land at the Ice Cream location, you can ask the NPC there to turn you into a prop. It’s a hilarious way to hide and get a drop on your enemies, but be warned, once you exit the prop disguise, you can’t go back into it without purchasing another.

Chug Cannon

The Chug Cannon is the best healing item in the game. It’s a constant reloader, that fires six chu splashes at once. It may take some time but you can use it to restore your entire health and shield. It can be bought at the Chop Shop from Kyle.

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