How Epic Games fixed Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 Quests

Epic Games
Epic Games

Quests are an integral part of Fortnite. They give you XP to redeem rewards on the Battle Pass, but working through Quests and Challenges could have the potential to be real headaches. Epic Games fixed Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 Quests with a simple quality of life improvement that makes me wish we had it earlier.

How Epic Games fixed Fortnite Quests in Chapter 2 Season 8

We’ve all been there. We go drop in for

a Quest

, complete it right when landing, and have a whole game ahead of us to play. At the end of the game, the next Quest comes up and it’s something we literally just did. Feels bad, right?

Not anymore. Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8 Quest lines automatically move to their next Quest when completed within the match. This lets you keep making progress, rather than having to re-queue and re-do tasks.

This plays well with the Punch Card system, which Epic Games brought back to allow players to complete Quests at their own pace. This should also prevent players getting hosed on their Battle Passes when they would miss out on timed Quests, like the weekly Legendary Quests.

This does come at a cost: daily Quests are a little more involved, often having you complete Quests in general or from a specific NPC rather than the generic challenges. To counteract this, the Quests you get from NPCs are able to be completed by your entire party.

There’s a running list of five Quests you can have at a time, so getting an NPC Party Quest will let you choose another Quest to replace. This can be a little clunky, since there are now more menus to dig around in. Just replace the common Quests and call it a day.

The emphasis on Squad play and the quality of life improvements to Quests feel like they entice you to hang out on the Island more than usual. There seems to be more things to do, with another Quest around the corner waiting for you.