Retail Row Return Opens Idea for More Returns

Fortnite Retail Row. Epic Games
Fortnite Retail Row. Epic Games

Retail Row returned in the latest patch of Fortnite and with the area’s return came the return of our old zombie friends from a few seasons ago. With the return of not only an old area but an old concept, we could see some very interesting ideas from Epic Games when other areas come back.

Retail Row returned in Fortnite’s latest patch and with it came the return of the undead as the entire area is polluted with zombie spawns and it made the area much more unique this time around than the way it was before.

The return of the area came as a little bit of a surprise with how many other areas have been teased to come back such as Flush Factory and others but with the return of the zombies as well, old areas could return with new added twists added into the areas.

To have some fun with it, imagine Flush Factory with a new added twist, say maybe a plane spawn that would run out of the back of the area. This idea of bringing back not only old areas but old concepts just allows Epic Games to explore a plethora of ideas for players and many different ways to please them.

We have hinted here at Forever Fortnite about old locations returning and it seems that every patch could change the map in some way and with that comes uncertainty but uncertainty in this case is very, very fun.

The old locations returning was obviously the theme but no one thought the old areas would bring back things that players enjoyed in the game and Retail Row’s zombies make the area an absolutely amazing loot spawn area to begin games.

The area was already known for pretty solid loot and fights to begin games but now players will fend off the undead and others and get tons of the loot in the process.

Which area do you think is next and what concept could come along with it?