Looking at Champions Series Play for This Weekend

Trios Champions Series. Fortnite/ Epic Games
Trios Champions Series. Fortnite/ Epic Games

The Fortnite Champions Series begins on August 17 and runs over five weeks of competitions with elite trios facing off for earnings and outright bragging rights. Here is an overview of week one and what will be going on in Fortnite’s next tournament.

Three rounds of the Fortnite Champions Series will kick off the five week long event featuring trios that will compete in their respective regions.

For those who may not know, this is the first tournament since the Fortnite World Cup which featured a Solo and Duos event but not a Trios event, so this event is a unique start after Fortnite’s biggest event ever.

Prize money will be rewarded throughout this tournament and it will total around $10 million across all regions which include Europe, NA East, NA West, Brazil, Asia, Oceania and Middle East.

The World Cup qualifications will roll into this tournament as far as the tournament workings are concerned. Competitors will get a three-hour window to complete ten full games of Fortnite which will determine placement in each team’s respective regions.

Throughout the three-hour window, players will have a chance to score as many points across ten games as possible. Of course to compete in this tournament you must be in the Champion League of the Arena mode to think about competing in this event.

As we said before, there are three rounds beginning this weekend with Round 1 and 2 of Week 1 being played on Saturday, August 17 and Round 3 being played on Sunday, August 18. In order to advance to Week 2 the following weekend, a trio must be in the top 1000 of points in their respective region and placement requirements change as the tournament progresses.

Here is the scoring system for the tournament.

  • Victory Royale – 15 points
  • 2nd place – 12 points
  • 3rd-4th place – 9 points
  • 5th-8th place – 6 points
  • 9th-12th place – 3 points
  • Each elimination – 1 point

Many pros of course will be competing in the tournament and we will likely have more information on who will be competing after Week 1 when the field is slimmed down.

This tournament will definitely be fun to watch as all regions are represented and many pros and even players who may not be widely known have a chance to showcase their talents beginning this weekend and possibly into the end of September. Keep a close eye here at Forever Fortnite for more information regarding the Champions Series.