What Could Cattus vs. Doggus Mean for Season 10?

Season 9 is coming to a close in the coming weeks and Fortnite is already lining up what could be to come in Season 10 with Cattus and Doggus, two monsters who have been quietly involved in the current season. What could their entrance into the Fortnite world mean for Season 10?

Fortnite and in-game events are common and always intriguing and with a timer being placed at numerous places across the map, which is setting up and epic battle between two monsters, named Cattus and Doggus by dataminers, they are once again giving players the in-game experience of a lifetime before Season 10.

For some background, Cattus is a monster who is believed to be roaming around the map and he quite literally is just a massive eyeball. He is also believed to be responsible for the destruction of Polar Peak and Loot Lake and he is currently swimming around the island as the timer continues.

Fornite redditor Masturbane posted this video showing Cattus swimming around the map and by my indication this means he is waiting for his battle against Doggus, the robot being constructed at Pressure Plant by the day.

"The monster is on the move again! from FortNiteBR"

Doggus currently is not finished, as he has a torso, legs and also wings, which means this battle could once again take players sights to the skies, much like the rocket in-game event from a few seasons ago.

Doggus and Cattus appear to be on opposite sides of the right side of the map at the moment, with Doggus being at Pressure Plant and Cattus swimming around Paradise Palms.

So, what does the development of these two monsters mean for Season 10? Well, if we are speaking in terms of a massive battle, parts of the map will more than likely be destroyed. With both monsters being placed on the right side of the map, it would not surprise me to see Paradise Palms to not be much more of a paradise anymore.

Lonely Lodge, Pressure Plant, Sunny Steps and Mega Mall could also see some changes as they are in close proximity with Doggus and his likely takeoff. Obviously Fortnite changes the map every season but this fight could be groundbreaking for changes that could send shockwaves across the map entirely.

The destruction of areas on the map of course opens the opportunity for new areas in Season 10 and all new areas will likely be destructive and wasteland-like after a huge battle of this proportion.

The impact of these two on Season 10 will find its likely answer on July 20th at 3:00pm ET. Epic Games gave precedence saying Fortnite players should take high ground to view the fight. The tagline “When Danger Strikes.” gives us players enough excitement for a Godzilla vs. King Kong level fight in game this Saturday.

Keep an eye out for changes in the map before the timer strikes zero and be ready for a battle of the ages.