Yes, Fortnite has competitive pop-up events but they have yet to add a fulltime ranked playlist to the game. How would this ranked playlist work?
From Call of Duty to League of Legends, Rocketleague to Rainbow Six Siege, all of these games have one thing in common…a ranked playlist. Competitive Fortnite has been a huge part of the game, the community, and the top Twitch streams, but we’ve yet to see a full-time ranked playlist.
Fortnite introduced pop-up cups months back which have been successful but these are only during limited timeslots just a few times a week. They are quite competitive but you never really hear much on who the winners are each event, so getting a win doesn’t mean much in terms of getting your name out there.
If Fortnite introduced a full-time ranked playlist in which the prizes and achievements for winning were actually meaningful, it would surely pull-in anyone who is interested in competitive Fortnite, as well as content creators and streamers.
So, how would it work? I would start with seasons, with each season lasting about a month. From there I would have various ranks such as the usual bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, and master, with your ranking depending on your average placing through at least 20 games. Average kills should also have a play in your overall ranking but placement should definitely be the main factor.
The reason behind this type of ranking in which it’s based on average placement is because the hardest thing to do in competitive Fortnite is to be consistent. Yes, you could do the number of wins you have for placement but that just awards players who play the most, even though if they’re getting wins they must be pretty good regardless.
Now to the second most important part besides ranking algorithm, awards. Players need to be recognized and awarded for being in the top ranks because that’ll give the players and streamers especially, something to work and grind towards.
The possibilities are endless with how players could be awarded based on placement, but I think in-game status like golden weapon camos or special skins would be the best way to show off your skill and accolades.
While these are just a few ideas, there are thousands of different options as to how the ranked playlist could run, so what do you think would be the best way to go about it?
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