Season 5, Week 9 Fortnite challenges have been live for a couple of days. Here’s a rundown on how to achieve them.
It’s another week which means another set of challenges for Battle Pass holders. Work your way to unlocking more gear with this guide.
Deal damage with Explosive Weapons to opponents (0/500)
RPGs, C4, grenade launchers, grenades and clingers will do the trick with this. If in doubt, spam them towards the enemy in 50v50 mode.
Get Trick Points in a Shopping Cart or ATK (0/150,000)
You may have noticed that if you perform a jump with an ATK, you get given points. The same goes for the shopping cart which fortunately isn’t bugged anymore. You need a total of 150,000 points which may sound like a lot at first but doing a few of the ramps in places like Lazy Links or even dropping off of a cliff and landing upright will get you those points quickly.
Follow the treasure map found in Shifty Shafts (Hard)
The map from below may look familiar.

This is the map you will find in Shifty Shafts and it leads to the tall rock formation between Dusty Divot and Salty Springs, marked on the map below.

Land or build your way up and it’s on the southern tip.
Search a Chest in Haunted Hills, Shifty Shafts, Lazy Links, Tilted Towers and Risky Reels
Fortunately, this week’s chest hunt will be less chaotic as you only have to open one in each location, in order and don’t worry you don’t have to do it all in one game, it can be done over different games.
Visit Different Stone Heads (0/7)
Run past the Stone Heads that are dotted around the map. You have plenty of options depending on where you want to drop and again, you can do one per game. Even if someone destroys the stone head, it will still count.
Assault Rifle Eliminations (HARD) (0/5)
Eliminate five other players using an assault rifle is probably one of the easier elimination challenges given how common and good assault rifles are. The Burst AR even got a slight buff making it a viable weapon to help with this challenge. Perhaps most important to remember is that the Drum Gun doesn’t count as an AR.
Eliminate opponents in Tomato Temple (HARD) (0/3)
It might be tough to break the habit of calling it Tomato Town but three eliminations in Tomato Temple while it’s still a fresh new POI should make this is a quicker challenge. There are plenty of chest and loot spawns here making it an attractive place to drop so get in, grab a weapon and eliminate up to three people. Just be careful as Tomato Temple is a bit of a mazy with different nooks and crannies so watch out for being shot from behind. The gas station and house in the immediate vicinity will count as Tomato Temple.