The Fortnite Battle Royale community is buzzing at the prospect of a new very powerful sniper rifle being added into the game in the next week. Is this a bad thing for the game? Let’s discuss.
How many times have I been sniped in the head during my Fortnite career despite having full health? More times then I would like to admit. This has led to me holding a slight grudge against the bolt-action and somewhat the hunting rifle.
I don’t think there should be a gun in the game that can instantly kill someone who has 100 health and 100 shield. Let me rephrase that: the only gun in the game that should be able to deal that much damage is the gold bolt-action sniper. But, Epic Games seems to not agree with me having not made any changes to the sniper category over the course of this game.
The bolt-action and semi-auto snipers have been a staple of the BR mode since its release back in the fall, but the hunting rifle is a newer, different take on the long-range weapon category.
Rumor has it we will be seeing a new, incredibly sniper, that could completely change the way this game is played in the next couple of weeks.
According to Storm Shield One and Fortnite Insider, a new sniper rifle that can pierce walls and will only be a gold weapon could makes it way into the game as soon as Tuesday. Thanks to data mining done during the most recent patch, files for this new long-ranged weapon were discovered.
The guys over at Storm Shield were able to find what the damage, rate of fire, rarity, and reload time will be. Here are the stats that we know at this time.
- Rarity: Legendary
- Damage: 157
- Fire Rate: 0.33
- Magazine Size: 1
- Reload Time: 4.05
157 base damage? Think about that for just a minute. That means that if you hit a shot on someone anywhere, they are likely to die or be very close to death. However, the balance of the weapon seems fair.
Players will not be able to spam this weapon at walls and hit multiple players in quick succession. A four second reload time is crazy long in Fortnite and players will have to be extremely cautious when reloading.
As to whether this will be a good addition to the game is yet to be seen. It seems like every weapon category other than the explosives and snipers have been changed around recently so it is time.
However, after hating on the amount of damage the bolt-actions already deal, I’m a bit skeptical as to what this legendary only sniper will look like. I guess we will all have to wait with baited breath to see if these rumors are true, and if they are, how the weapon performs in game.
If it is anything like the P90 that was released just days ago, players are going to be very, very upset.