During the Fortnite Battle Royale Pro-AM event at E3, Epic Games made yet another blockbuster announcement. The world of professional gaming is about to change in a massive way.
Have you ever pictured yourself being part of a professional gaming team and winning an entire event? I think most of us have. At least, the ones who feel they are good enough to compete at the highest level possible.
Spoiler: I’m not at that level but it’s nice to have an imagination that’s still active. Almost a month ago, Epic Games got their competitive ball rolling by funding a whopping $100,000,000 (split between events at different levels) for Fortnite Battle Royale eSports prize pools.
Could you imagine what you are able to do with a chunk of that prize money? I’m talking sharks with laser beams attached to their heads. That kind of money has the ability to change lives of those who wish, or even encourage people, to participate in upcoming events.
Events, prior to the Fortnite World Cup, headlined by organizations such as Team EnVyUs. A team that once dominated Overwatch play, later branching as the Dallas Fuel of the Overwatch League in Los Angeles.
Now, this time, everyone (pending age limit, I assume) will have the opportunity to participate in different levels of competition according to Epic Game Blogs.
This is huge news for those who have wanted to go pro but never received the opportunity to do so. This is your chance to shine and shine at your brightest.
The best thing about this whole competitive angle Epic is taking is that this is their own thing. Their creation, control, with no large franchises or teams being assembled for an Epic Games league.
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They go on to mention that most of the Fortnite World Cup will focus on both solo and duo play, keeping the door open for possible squad events in the future, which makes sense. Nothing wrong with taking it one step at a time.
Of course, like any other event, players will compete in qualifiers beginning this fall, leading to the official Fortnite World Cup around the same time a year later. We’ll have more regarding this major announcement as soon as Epic Games provides additional information.