As has been the case for several weeks now, the Twitter user known as @TwoEpicBuddies managed to crack into the Fortnite Battle Royale data and leak several new cosmetics coming to the game soon. Let’s take a look at everything new coming to the BR.
I have a serious V-Buck addiction and I am not afraid to admit it. I have spent more on the Fortnite in-game currency than I have any other game thus far in 2018. By a long shot. To make myself feel better about it, I try to tell myself that I can afford to pile the V-Bucks onto my account because Fortnite is free.
So, I look at my purchases as a tip to Epic Games for creating such a fun and engaging game that I play nearly five hours every day (I wish I was kidding, but I am not).
You can bet that after seeing the most recent set of leaked cosmetics I will be purchasing even more V-Bucks to satisfy the itch. Trust me, you are going to want to buy some of these skins, gliders, and pickaxes when you see them.
Plus, there are some new emotes coming that had me cracking up.

There are several new skins Epic has whipped up and are preparing to implement into the market in the coming weeks and months.
Wingman (Epic)
This is the leaked second Starter Pack that Fortnite will have. The first Starter Pack skin was the Rogue Agent – who looks a little like Master Chief from the Halo Series.
The wingman is a fighter pilot who will come with matching back bling and some bonus V-Bucks. It hasn’t been confirmed yet, but I would expect this pack to cost $5 USD like it did the first time around.
Omen (Legendary)
Is it just me or does this look a lot like a blue Deadpool?
Notice the symbol in the middle of his suit. I believe that that is the same logo used in the villain base in the side of the mountain above Snobby Shores. I could be wrong on this, but I’ve seen this before.
Fate (Legendary)
I hope you have $20 free to drop on this!
Sky Stalker (Legendary)
This looks a little bit like a World War I uniform complete with the gas mask. It is alright, but it doesn’t blow me away.
I think of the three legendary leaked skins, I am only going to buy Omen.
Blue Striker (Epic)
Frozone from The Incredibles, is that you?
The Visitor (Legendary)
This is the character fans have been anxiously waiting for. In order to get this bad boy, you will have to complete seven weeks of Battle Pass challenges. This will give players who have already worked their way to level 100 something new to work on and unlock.
One of the very cool things about this skin is the ability to change the face mask image. Below are the four options available.
Male World Cup Skins – Aerial Threat, Midfield Maestro, Stalwart Sweeper, and Super Striker (Rare)
This is one of the many reasons I love this game so much. The developers’ ability to add in skins and events that correspond to what’s going on in the outside world is incredible.
You will have the option to purchase the above character or three others if you so choose with each have a different look and jersey. Choose wisely.
Female World Cup Skins – Clinical Crosser, Dynamic Dribbler, Finesse Finisher, and Poised Playmaker (Rare)
I can tell Epic will be making a boatload of money off of these eight soccer related skins from fans (much like me) who love the game and the sport. Well done.
Gliders & Pickaxes
Pterodactyl (Epic)
I have had friends ask me over the last week or so what the season five theme will be. As I have told them, I think it will be something to do with dinosaurs.
This glider only reaffirms my suspicion. Don’t believe me? Go look at the footprint just west of Greasy Grove and tell me that isn’t supposed to be from a dinosaur.
Split Wing (Epic)
This is going to be part of the set with Omen and will most likely deploy and make noise like the Carbide glider.
I like it.
Goalbound (Uncommon)
I don’t care at all this item is uncommon. I’m going to purchase it.
Propeller Axe (Rare)
I don’t want to seem like Sherlock Holmes, but I think this will go with the Wingman suit. Either way, this is a very cool looking ax and I hope the propellers will spin while being used.
It can be like a buzzsaw ax.
Oracle Axe (Epic)
Yes, this is very cool looking. But, I am afraid it is going to make annoying electricity sounds like the electric ax from last season.
Maybe you can summon something from that crystal ball on the end.
Fated Frame (Rare)
I can’t tell if this is going to go with the Fate Skin or will just be a random cosmetic item added into the store.
Vuvuzela (Rare)
Even though these horns will be banned at the 2018 World Cup in Russia, nothing says soccer like hearing the annoying buzz of a Vuvuzela. Seriously Epic, you guys are killing the in-game content!
Elite Cleat (Uncommon)
*Pulls out wallet to purchase this item right when it’s released.*
I have to say, all these emotes are really funny – except for the waterworks.
Giving someone a red card in this game is absolutely brilliant!
It is a hilarious emote and one I will for sure be buying. To prove my idea that dinosaurs will be in the next season of the game, the ‘Rawr’ rare dance is exactly what I was looking for. This dance is funny, but I don’t know if it will be worth the 500 V-Bucks.
Otherwise, these emotes are all fantastic.