Fortnite: A guide to Fortnite Battle Pass season four – week six

Photo Credit: Fortnite/Epic Games Image Acquired from Games Press
Photo Credit: Fortnite/Epic Games Image Acquired from Games Press

It’s Thursday Fortnite Battle Royale fans! And if you are like me and millions around the world who have purchased the Battle Pass, you are curious as to how to complete the seven Week Six challenges to earn tiers and XP as fast as possible. Here is a full guide to completing all the challenges!

First and foremost, welcome to FanSided’s newest Entertainment page, Forever Fortnite where we will be covering everything the amazing BR game has to offer.

From tips and tricks, to news, to opinion pieces, we will have it all right here. I don’t want to delay so let’s dive into how to complete each of the new challenges offered this week in the Battle Pass.

Thank you to Dexerto for the above image and some extra information on this week’s challenges.

Season 4 – Week 6 challenges

Search Supply Drops (3)

This is a pretty self-explanatory challenge and shouldn’t be too difficult to complete. The best way to get this done and earn five stars is to play either Blitz Mode or 20 vs. 20.

I would recommend playing 20 vs. 20 with a teammate or a full squad as it will allow for you to move to the drops without having to worry about getting shot in the back or flanked. Hug the edge of the storm and move quickly to the three drops.

This piece of the challenge can easily be completed in just one game.

SMG Eliminations [HARD] (3)

Is it just me or does seemingly every challenge have something to do with the SMG? In the week two challenges from this season, the player had to inflict 500 damage with a suppressed weapon, which is basically doing damage with an SMG. One of last week’s challenges was to inflict 500 damage with SMG’s and now, we have to kill three players with an SMG.

It is clear that Epic Games is trying to drive people to use the SMG more and the shotguns less – especially after the recent nerf – and it is starting to get frustrating. My advice to completing this challenge as quickly as possible is to find yourself a purple SMG and rush.

Search Chests in Loot Lake (7)

Really? Chests at Loot Lake? Really?

There are eight chests spawns in and around the lake so while it shouldn’t be hard to finish this, it will probably take at least three or four games since so many people will now be landing at the lake.

This is a headache challenge Epic has forced on us Battle Pass owners this week. I haven’t landed at Loot Lake in who knows how long.

It is in a terrible position on the map and trying to make it across the water without getting sniped or using all your materials to build a bridge is annoying.

Eliminate opponents in Retail Row [HARD] (3)

Another relatively easy objective this week is taking down three enemies in Retail. Besides Tilted Towers and Plesant Park, this seems to be one of the most popular dropping points on the map.

My recommendation for knocking this out as quickly as possible is landing in the houses on the edge of the city – closer to Dusty Divot – and working your way through the houses before going to the shop side where there is a ton of open space and likely tons of enemies.

Spray over different Carbide or Omega Posters (7)

Added in with the new update are the discrete posters depicting two of the Battle Pass characters, Carbide (the blue character) and Omega (the Tier 100 character), that must be covered with spray paint.

There are 15 total posters on the map and much like finding the Rubber Ducks from Week 2, this is just a matter of moving around the map as quickly as possible with as few engagements as possible.

The best way to go about completing this challenge is to land on the northeastern part of the map at the tree house and working your way south. You can hit six posters on the right half of the map, or, land in one of the locations where there are two posters close to each other and go from there.

My strategy for this challenge will likely be to land in Greasy Grove, the factories near Flush Factory, or the Mansion on the far eastern coast of the map and hit two before trying to actually play.

Search between a Playground, Campsite, and a Footprint [HARD] (1)

Need to get a quick tier to get the next cool skin or awesome dance?

Searching between these three locations in the southwestern corner outside of Greasy Grove can easily be done in one game.

Your best bet here will be to land on the mountain at the campsite, get some materials then slide down the hill and go to the giant dinosaur looking footprint near the broken houses.

Finally, run over to the playground on the edge of Greasy, then backtrack to the star in the middle of all three of these points. The below map should give a better indicator of what you need to do.

Deal damage with Shotguns to opponents (1,000)

I would say this is an easy challenge to complete the week – but after the recent patch – it really isn’t. Pump shotguns are no longer a one-shot headshot kill (which I like) and the damage to the body from both the pump and tactical shotguns has been lowered just slightly.

Seemingly every player now carries at least one, if not two, shotguns into battle so this should take just a couple of games if you can hit your shots.

Stay tuned to Forever Fortnite for more Fortnite Battle Royale news and opinions!